GAY MARRIAGE VICTOR SCREAMS AT GUY IN WHEELCHAIR, GETS BUMPED FROM FLIGHT: The guy in the wheelchair happened to be Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas, about to board a flight at New York’s JFK Airport back to Austin, Jim Treacher writes at the Daily Caller: 

Now, it’s fine to disagree with Greg Abbott about gay marriage, or about anything else. It’s fine to express your agreement. But if you start yelling at him — “loud enough to be apparent to the crowd of passengers,” according to the Morning News — and then you make it clear that you’re going to cause further disruption on his flight, why should the governor, the airline, or anybody else have to put up with it?

If you don’t want your travel plans to get disrupted, maybe you could try not being such a dick. You got your gay marriage, champ. You won. Get over it.

Congratulations to this unnamed leftist hero, though. Yelling at a Republican and being minorly inconvenienced for it isn’t exactly a burning at the stake, but today’s martyrs have to make do with whatever they get.

To paraphrase Dan McLaughlin’s tweet last month, the competition for angriest winner rolls on.