LIFE AMONG THE POLITICAL CLASS: Rising Maryland state rep charged with aggressively jostling her bare breasts at ex-husband in doorway confrontation.

Delegate Ariana Kelly (D-Montgomery) is a rising star in the Maryland Democratic party who is said to be considering running for the House seat being vacated by Rep Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), who is running for the senate seat being vacated by Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD). But the 39 year old state lawmaker was arrested last month and charged with trespassing and indecent exposure in a confrontation with her ex-husband which thankfully did not escalate to violence but did lead to Kelly aggressively jostling her bare breasts in his direction as she stood in his doorway and refused his demands to leave.

Kelly and ex-husband Barak Sanford were divorced in November. . . . When police arrived they advised Delegate Kelly that she could be arrested for trespassing and indecent exposure. Kelly said “Arrest me then”, and put her wrists together in a gesture asking to be arrested.

She was arrested.

I presume, though, that she won’t be placed on a sex offender registry.