CAN TWITTER BE SAVED? “Why Twitter is terrible”  is explored by former PJTV host James Poulos in The Week:

It would be one thing if we could redeem all society by leaving Twitter. But Twitter is just the beginning. We could “burn down the internet,” as the kids say, and still fail to calm our blind rage toward our all-too-human imperfection and intransigence. At this rate, maybe we will.

Two hundred years ago, another liberal philosopher explained how merciless worldviews can destroy all communication. “The nation could survive for a while,” warned Benjamin Constant, “on its acquired intelligence, on habits of thinking and doing picked up earlier; but nothing in the world of thought would renew itself. Writers strangled in this way start off with panegyrics; but they become bit by bit incapable even of praise and literature finishes up losing itself in anagrams and acrostics.” Sound familiar?

It may be too late to salvage Twitter. But if we’re going to save the internet, we’ve got to save some mercy for one another.

As Charles Krauthammer famously said in 2002, “To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.” If you’re a leftist who has convinced yourself that you’re in the holy, planet-saving socialist justice warrior business of destroying evil one wrong-thinking person at a time, why take the time and effort to show mercy?