6 BALTIMORE PD OFFICERS CHARGED WITH FREDDIE GRAY HOMICIDE:  Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced that Freddie Gray’s death was a homicide, and has filed second-degree murder and manslaughter charges against the six officers involved in Gray’s arrest and transportation.  Gray’s spinal and neck injuries are consistent with those of being involved in an automobile accident, and Gray was not belted during his transfer in the police van.  The van driver, officer Caesar Goodson, has been charged with second-degree murder on theory that he intentionally failed to secure Gray and then gave him a “rough ride” to throw Gray against the van’s walls.  All other officers have been charged with manslaughter for neglecting to provide medical attention to Mr. Gray.

The Baltimore Fraternal Order of Police has written a letter to Ms. Mosby, asking her to step aside and appoint an independent prosecutor, based on her conflicts of interest with Gray family attorney William Murphy, prosecutor’s connections with local media (who are likely to be witnesses in the case), and Ms. Mosby’s husband’s role as Baltimore City Councilman.

Strangely, in all of the media reports I’ve read thus far, I still cannot ascertain the race of any of the six officers charged.  I assume someone will report on this soon, though.  It would be interesting to know.