WAPO: Vaccine debate presents a political minefield — as Hillary Clinton can attest. The article is written with as much of a pro-Hillary slant as they can manage, but it nonetheless illustrates her shifting positions, and doesn’t make her look especially good. And that the Post thought they had to do this at all says a lot.

Plus, one reason why it’s awkward for Hillary: Trial Lawyers and Dem Donors Support Anti-Vaccination Movement: Top left-wing financiers found and finance leading ‘anti-vax’ groups.

Throughout its anti-vaccination campaign, NVIC has received support from organizations and individuals associated with mainstream liberal and Democratic politics.

The Tides Foundation, a left-wing group that funnels money from high-dollar donors to like-minded activist groups, has donated to NVIC. Tides’ managing director sits on the board of the Network for Good, which has also contributed to NVIC.

One of its most prolific donors is the Dwoskin Family Foundation, run by Albert Dwoskin—a high-dollar Democratic donor, former chairman of the Democratic data firm Catalist, Democracy Alliance director, and adviser to the pro-Palestinian group J Street—and his wife, Claire, a former finance vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee.

The foundation’s most recent contributions came in 2012, when it donated nearly $30,000 to NVIC. It also gave $25,000 that year to Media Matters for America, a left-wing research outfit that has hammered conservatives who have expressed sentiments similar to NVIC’s.

Claire Dwoskin sits on NVIC’s board, according to documents filed with the Internal Revenue Service. She also founded the anti-vaccination Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute and helps organize the Vaccine Safety Conference, a gathering of like-minded activists.

The latest conference, held in 2011, was underwritten by Paul Soros, the late brother of the billionaire Democratic financier George Soros.

These events and organizations routinely promote findings that the bulk of the scientific establishment considers dangerous.

People should start questioning politicians about their connections to these groups and donors. For the children.