TOM MAGUIRE TO TA-NEHISI COATES & CONOR FRIEDERSDORF: Send Better Arguments. “All too often when our friends on the left stage a protest it turns violent. At which point, we hear explanations about how it was hijacked by a radical fringe and we are all supposed to be surprised. Maybe one day these leaders on the left will achieve a better understanding of their base.”

UPDATE: From the comments: “Maybe they should hire the Tea Party folks to help train their minions on how to protest without violence or destruction of property.”

Heh. But (barely) deniable violence for purposes of intimidation is all part of the scheme. That’s what “no justice, no peace” means. As Richard Fernandez has written: “It is impossible to understand the politics of the Left without grasping that it is all about deniable intimidation.” That’s why they don’t want you to own guns, and that’s why they’re so panicked at groups, like the Tea Party, that aren’t intimidated.