IT’S ABOUT TIME: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand removes debunked sexual assault statistic from website. “Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., one of the most prominent lawmakers working to curb campus sexual assault, has removed from her website the debunked claim that one in five women will be sexually assaulted while in college.”

Of course, that’s bad news for some.

UPDATE: Gillibrand’s bill and “rape privilege:” “But the truth is, young women who don’t go to college are more likely to be raped. . . . In other words, these women are victims of sexual violence at a rate around 30 percent greater than their more educated counterparts. The focus on sexual violence against some of our most privileged young people has distracted us from the victimization of those enjoying less social and economic advantage.” Feminism is always about the concerns and well-being of upper-middle-class white women.