#WARONWOMEN: Breast Cancer Survivor Responds To Bossy Lacto-Moms About Why She Doesn’t Breastfeed.

On Jan. 29, I gave birth to a 7 1/ 2-pound baby boy who had a head full of light brown hair and whose ravenous appetite and old-man snore we instantly found mesmerizing, maybe in a way only parents could.

“You never gave up,” my husband said, laughing as he watched Lincoln gulp down his first 2-ounce serving of formula, which my husband fed to him.

As the two of them cuddled afterward, I was in a mood that I can describe only as postpartum elation.

That is, until those I jokingly call the “breast-feeding Nazis” came marching in to my room.

“You really should breast-feed,” the hospital’s lactation consultants, aka “lactivists,” said.

When I simply said, “I’m going to do formula,” they didn’t want to leave it at that.

So holding my day-old newborn on what was one of the most blissful days of my life, I had to tell the aggressive band of well-intentioned strangers my whole cancer saga.

Maybe their aggressiveness belies a lack of truly good intentions. Remember: Most woman-shaming has always been at the hands of other women.