EUGENE VOLOKH: From The CDC On How Ebola Can Be Transmitted: “As has often been reported, Ebola apparently can’t be spread through the air by coughing or sneezing. But if infected sweat, mucus or saliva gets on doorknobs or countertops, the Ebola virus can be spread ‘for several hours’ by someone touching the surface and then touching their eyes, nose, mouth or an open cut. Presumably it can be spread by handshaking as well, if the infected person had gotten his saliva or mucus on his hands. Not terribly reassuring, sad to say.”

UPDATE: CDC Director: Fight Ebola Over There So We Don’t Have To Fight It Here.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Hear me talk about Ebola fears on Rex Murphy’s Cross-Country Checkup on the CBC here. I’m at about 1:26.