NO, THEY’RE RUNNING INTERFERENCE. THAT’S WHAT THEY DO. Michael Barone: Is Politico Telling The Full Story About Wendy Davis?

There has been lots of coverage in Politico on the charges against New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie and members of his staff. About Texas Democratic state Senator and governor candidate Wendy Davis, not so much. In case you missed it, the Dallas Morning News published a story by reporter Wayne Slater on Saturday that pointed out discrepancies between the stories Davis has told about her past and the facts. She got her first divorce, it turns out, not at 19 as she repeatedly said and even testified in federal court, but at 21. She went on to graduate from Texas Christian University and Harvard Law School, but she paid for the latter with help from her second husband. Then, on the day after he paid off her final loan, she walked out on the marriage and agreed that he would get custody of their 14-year-old daughter. . . .

So what does Politico offer us? Only one story since Slater’s Jan. 18 Morning News story, headlined “Wendy Davis hits back at questions about bio,” a story which includes nothing about how she left her second husband the day after he paid off her law school loans and agreed that he have custody of her daughter. Instead it features Davis’s pathetic response — “My language should have been tighter” — and quotes her prepared statement, “I am proud of where I came from and I am proud of what I’ve been able to achieve through hard work and perseverance. And I guarantee you that anyone who tries to say otherwise hasn’t walked a day in my shoes.” Politico also links to a timeline of Davis’s life that leaves out some of the inconvenient facts.

Politico also doesn’t mention that her opponent, who “hasn’t walked a mile” in her shoes, is a paraplegic who doesn’t walk at all. But hey, let’s hear Wendy Davis’s story about triumphing over adversity. . . .