OBAMACARE FALLOUT: In Wake of Narrow Cuccinelli Loss, Democrats Panic. “Democratic alarm over the fortunes of the Affordable Care Act is becoming more and more visible every day. The last sign of panic is that Hill Democrats have acquiesced to the conservative narrative about Tuesday’s Virginia governor’s race. In the fight between GOP candidate Ken Cuccinelli and Democratic victor Terry McAuliffe, nearly everyone expected Cuccinelli to lose big, given his socially conservative stances and lack of money and establishment support. Instead, the race turned out to be incredibly close: thanks to a last-minute, eight-point swing, he only lost by two points. Cuccinelli himself, as well as many on the right, interpreted the narrow margin as a rebuke of Obamacare. . . . A Democratic party confident in Obamacare would brush off what the right is saying about Cuccinelli with a narrative of its own: polls often narrow near the end of the race; Virginia is an historically red state; McAuliffe was an uninspiring and otherwise problematic candidate. Instead, they’re worried that they’ll be the next victims of anger over Obamacare.”