UPSIDE OF A BLEAK JOB MARKET: Millennials Creating Opportunities.

For Millennials, creating startups is a way to connect with other passionate individuals, especially those in their peer group, and fill a niche in the economy that is being passed over by larger corporations. Cheung explains, “Homejoy breaks down barriers, and in an economy where 11% of 18-29 year-olds are unemployed nationwide, we create options both as independent service providers on our platform and as employees at our headquarters in San Francisco.” Startups often grow based on the social networks of those involved, fanning out to include the friends and classmates of founders, yet their reach expands even further with technology.

According to data from a survey conducted by the computing solutions company j2 Global, technology is increasingly enabling young entrepreneurs to run businesses. Vice President of j2 Global, Mike Pugh said in their release, “Millennials have grown up immersed in technologies that let them connect and collaborate anywhere on a host of devices they always have with them.”

Well, it’s all fun and games until you have enough employees to come under ObamaCare.