WALTER RUSSELL MEAD: The Green Jobs Chimera:

Europe is mulling import tariffs on cheap Chinese solar panels to protect its own manufacturers; it could learn something from America’s attempt to do the same last year. Hint: it didn’t work. . . .

The market is heavily distorted at this point; governments are propping up a nascent technology that can’t compete on price on its own. States can continue to subsidize producers and tax imports all they want, but that doesn’t fix the underlying problem: this technology isn’t ready for market.

The greens have deluded themselves into thinking that somehow market forces didn’t apply to manufacturing “clean” tech. It just illustrates the lack of policy competence in the green community, and the cleverness of crony capitalists, who know the silly greens will lobby for your sweetheart deal if you sprinkle some of their favorite phrases into the promotional literature.

I think this is a charitable assessment.