I’M SO TIRED OF ATTITUDES LIKE HERS: Longoria does her part to put the ‘twit’ in ‘Twitter.’

Longoria — and the man she’s campaigning for — still have some explaining to do. Does either of them believe what the original tweet implies? Because it implies several things, none of which reflect well on liberals or Democrats that believe such nonsense.

1. All women should think the same.

2. All minorities should think the same.

3. Any woman or minority that doesn’t think like the majority of women and minorities is, by definition, “stupid.”

Ms. Longoria — and the man you’re campaigning for — as a first generation immigrant from a country the Federal Government counts as Latin and, yes, female, let me inform you “stupid” doesn’t mean what you think it means.  I’d stake my IQ against yours any day, in public, in a duel to the pain.