HOW BIG DOES MITT HAVE TO WIN FOR FRAUD NOT TO COUNT: Is voter fraud being committed in Ohio? It’s like this administration comes from Chicago or something…

UPDATE: To clarify — those voters on buses might be perfectly legitimate.  Even the sort of voter “aid” that’s being provided while shady fits in with an American tradition in the immigrant precincts in the early twentieth century.  What made me scared in that article were Ohio’s requirements to register to vote.  I don’t live in Ohio, but guys: neither the social security number, nor the drivers’ licenses, nor the electricity bill are proof of citizenship. I know.  I am an immigrant.  When did citizenship stop mattering?  When are we going to puncture through the idea that people with an accent or imperfect English are offended at being asked for proof of citizenship?  We’re not.  Those of us who have naturalized, those of us who are Americans are PROUD to show THAT paper, proud to be accorded the legitimate right to vote.  Trust me.  I know.