THE ROMNEY CAMPAIGN SEEMS TO HAVE HIT UPON A STRATEGY OF TELLING THE TRUTH: Palestinians Have No Interest In Peace. It’s an idea so crazy it just might work!

Say, where’s that Obama/Khalidi tape? Why won’t the L.A.Times release it? Oh, who am I kidding? They won’t release it because it would make Obama look terrible. What other reason can there be?

UPDATE: Reader Kevin Murphy writes: “The Tribune Company, which owns the LA Times, is still in Chapter 11. Suppose the Romney campaign (or Romney himself) offered the receiver $10 million for the tape. Could they refuse?” I’m sure they’d find a way to stall until November. It would have to be an exploding offer — with a one-week deadline or something. Then failure to take it might be a breach of duty.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Mark Reardon writes: “This sounds like a Kickstarter crowdsourcing opportunity to me. I’ve got fifty bucks that desperately need to be spent on bills that I’d pitch in.”