MICHAEL BARONE: Charlotte DNC features “the tiniest convention floor” ever. Obama’s appeal is becoming more selective. On the other hand, “The videoscreen directly above the podium is the largest I’ve ever seen at a convention. The technicians were testing it, and the images struck me as looking like something out of 1984.”

UPDATE: Related: Sad: College Kids Being Bused in for Obama’s Bank of America Stadium Speech. Can’t have a bunch of, um, empty chairs in the stadium.

ANOTHER UPDATE: #NARRATIVEFAIL: Cardinal Dolan Goes to Charlotte.

If, as the Obama-Biden campaign alleges, there is a “war on women,” Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the archbishop of New York, is its field marshal. If opposition to same-sex marriage is “bigotry,” as many on the left insist, then Cardinal Dolan—as the most prominent defender of marriage as the union of husband and wife—is the country’s leading bigot.

Yet Timothy Dolan will be appearing at the Democratic National Convention Thursday night in Charlotte, N.C., to invoke divine blessing on the proceedings. So what’s going on?

It’s like all that talk was just a bunch of political hate-speech claptrap, to be jettisoned as soon as it looked like it might cost votes.