FIRST THEY CAME FOR THE CRULLERS, AND I DID NOT SPEAK OUT: More on Massachusetts’ idiotic upcoming ban on school bake sales from blogger and businessman Matt Holzmann:

The media and the Left were stunned when several of the Supreme Court Justices asked very basic questions about the Constitutionality of both the Health Care Bill and the case of United States versus Arizona on the enforcement of immigration law. They get very upset when their opponents argue about  Constitutionality. Now we know why. They’re not interested nor do they understand the Constitution itself, for if you don’t understand the “why” of things, you cannot understand the thing itself. They want what they want when they want it, to put it succinctly.

And this is how the State of Massachusetts ends up with crazy laws like the ban on bake sales.

Hillary wasn’t kidding when she said in 2004 that she and the rest of the Ruling Class were “going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good,” was she? Where does the intersection occur between a nanny state that has an inexhaustible urge to ban everything, and a welfare state that has a similarly unquenchable desire to tax everything? (Presumably, it’s located somewhere between Detroit and Belgium.)

UPDATE: Bob Krumm emails, “Somewhere between Detroit and Belgium would be in the western North Atlantic, not too far from the hundred year-old wreckage of an infamous ship that was thought to be too well constructed to ever sink.”

Heh, indeed.™