INVESTOR’S BUSINESS DAILY: Obama’s ‘secret’ plea to Russia plays right into Romney’s meme.

UPDATE: Reader Joel Eenigenburg writes: “Excuse me?! So Obama is caught secretly plotting with the Russians for their help on his reelection, and in return they get what they want on US missile defense strategy? Where’s the outrage? I’m about as cynical as they come nowadays, but really?”

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Henry Clark writes: “The Republican presidential candidate ought to ask insistently at every campaign stop from now till November the following question: “What other private promises has Obama made to people—at home or abroad—that we should know about?” If he doesn’t, then the GOP deserves its appellation The Stupid Party. Obama is a sneak and an elitist, a fact that his broad smile makes it easy for people to overlook; it seems to take an open mike to remind people.”

Jimmy Carter had a broad smile, too.