ALAN GRAYSON, ONE-PERCENTER: “Investigators said Grayson was driving a Mercedes, when he ran a red light and hit the bus. . . . A news release for Grayson’s campaign event stated it was scheduled from noon until 1:30 p.m. at the penthouse of some local Democrats in The Vue, a high-rise condominium near Lake Eola. . . . Featured guests included noted environmentalist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and actress Cheryl Hines. The suggested contribution for those attending was $1,000.”

Driving a Mercedes, hurrying to a big-bucks fundraiser at a penthouse, injures some bus-riders (99-percenters almost by definition) while himself escaping unscathed. Occupy Alan Grayson!

UPDATE: “Could the optics here be any worse?. . . Cue Republican attack ad accusing Grayson of literally running over the poor with his Mercedes on the way to meet with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.”