J. CHRISTIAN ADAMS: Eric Holder Wants Race Preferences and Benefits . . . Forever. Of course he does.

Some are surprised by Holder’s brazenness. I am not. As I like to say, I wrote a bestseller about Holder’s racialist DOJ. Nothing surprises me anymore. The only surprise is the dumbfounded, stuck, GOP response — which would be none.

If the GOP nominee does not make this a Presidential campaign issue because they are afraid to talk about such unpleasantries, then shame on them. In tough economic times, the last thing middle America wants to hear is the Attorney General grousing about people of color getting benefits because of their color.

One way that the Dems silence the GOP is by spreading the idea that it’s somehow bad manners to criticize them on their chosen issues. Part of Andrew Breitbart’s secret to success was that he didn’t care about that. For the non-Frumish GOP, there’s a lesson there.