MORE ON THAT GINGRICH MOON BILL: Reader Jonathan Fellows writes:

It looks like the bill was introduced in the 97th Congress as HR 4286, The National Space and Aeronautics Policy Act of 1981. Title IV of the bill dealt with the government of space territories.

The bill had 12 cosponsors — both R’s & D’s, including Tim Wirth, Robert Roe, Charlie Wilson, Bob Dornan, & Ed Derwinski.

Yes, that comports with my (vague) memories from the time. I think he may have introduced it more than once, though.

UPDATE: It’s also sad to see all our punditry miss out on what Newt’s doing here — he’s pandering to the tens of thousands of space workers in Florida who have been, or will be soon, laid off under Obama. Honestly, this should have been the lead item: “Pandering Newt,” not “Daffy Newt.” Do try to think outside the storyline, people.