HELP ME BUBBA-WAN, YOU’RE MY ONLY HOPE! “This afternoon, President Barack Obama held a White House meeting with the last Democrat to hold that office, and the only Democrat to win re-election to that office since LBJ, Bill Clinton. After the meeting, the two held a brief press conference in which Obama offered a quick introduction before turning the Q&A over to Clinton. . . . And then, an extraordinary thing happened. Obama said he had kept the First Lady waiting for half an hour, and told the press they were in ‘good hands.’ And he left the briefing. Clinton did not. The former President continued the press conference, the logo of the White House behind him in what looked like a flashback to his pre-Monica days.”

Those rumors that White House insiders are worried by Obama’s disengagement just got a lot more credible . . . .

UPDATE: Reader Bill Gasper (along with several other readers) takes issue with the quoted passage:

“The only Democrat to win re-election to that office since LBJ”, I don’t think so, he was only elected once, don’t recall a 1963 election. Truman wasn’t reelected either, no 1945 election, FDR would be the last one before Mr Clinton.

Well, LBJ, like Truman, was an incumbent whom the voters returned to office. That’s not quite re-elected, but it’s awfully close.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Matt Miller emails:

Maybe they need to create another phony seal to put on the podium, something like “The Office of the Stand-in for the President of the United States”.

Let’s face it this guy has never held a real job for any length of time before moving on to something else. Accountability is tough.

Indeed. And unfamiliar.