DO WE CLAMP THE UMBILICAL CORD TOO SOON? “Delaying clamping the umbilical cord for a slightly longer period of time allows more umbilical cord blood volume to transfer from mother to infant and, with that critical period extended, many good physiological ‘gifts’ are transferred through ‘nature’s first stem cell transplant’ occurring at birth. . . . The researchers concluded that many common disorders in newborns related to the immaturity of organ systems may receive benefits from delayed clamping. These may include: respiratory distress; anemia; sepsis; intraventricular haemorrhage; and periventricular leukomalacia. They also speculate that other health problems, such as chronic lung disease, prematurity apneas and retinopathy of prematurity, may also be affected by a delay in cord blood clamping.”

UPDATE: Reader Fernando Colina writes: “So this is a case in which you might say, slower, please?” Heh. Indeed.