LESSON: If you don’t like a film, threaten violence. Then people will take it down. Is this really the message folks like LiveLeak want to send? Because it’s the message they’re sending, over and over again. “Share and enjoy.”

UPDATE: Now the Poligazette link above is down — “Account Suspended.” Don’t know why. But you can still see Fitna on Google Video.

Meanwhile, here’s more on the film:

Speaking to various media about this today, it’s interesting that the first sense of shock is that the footage which Wilders includes is so bloody. Of course Wilders didn’t create this footage – the jihadis did. But it raises an interesting question about the mainstream media. In the last seven years the MSM has gone out of its way to spare the public from seeing the most barbarous acts of our enemies. As we discovered when the BBC infamously pixellated the cartoons two years ago, even Danish drawings have been deemed too upsetting to broadcast of late. The footage in Wilders’ film of the victims of jihad is therefore especially sobering. It isn’t pleasant viewing, but then jihad isn’t pleasant viewing, and if this is what it takes to alert people to the savagery of the threat we all face, Muslims included, then there it is.

I hope as many non-Islamists as possible see the film and consider its implications. But I also hope that the Islamists themselves are not so stupid as to fall into the oldest idiocy of theirs: that is the one which says “Say my religion is peaceful or I will kill you.”

Oops. Too late. And in LiveLeak’s defense, I guess their pulling the film just proves Wilders’ point.


Don’t worry, the film’s still around. Google Video has it for the moment and I hear that it’s up and down on YouTube too. When all else fails, just search for “fitna” and “torrent” and all should be well. They don’t call it “viral video” for nothing: Once it’s released into the population, you can never quite stamp it out. LiveLeak did its job for as long as it needed to.

I’d like to see the threateners more scared than LiveLeak, though.

MORE: Pat Dollard has posted Fitna and says he won’t be taking it down in response to threats.

And here’s a YouTube link that’s working at the moment.

FINALLY: Poligazette is back online. They were down for 3 hours, and don’t know why their hosting service suspended them. And more thoughts and discussion here.