I Want to Believe

“Story the Media Won’t Tell: Obama Is Losing,” John Nolte writes at Big Journalism: 

Meanwhile, President FailureTeleprompter is relegated to rationalizing his lack of turnout into a “deliberate” desire for smaller, more intimate crowds. Yeah, that sounds like the Mr. Greek Column we’ve all come to know and grow tired of.

Meanwhile, the media refuses to report on the size of either side’s crowds.

Meanwhile, across the country, the documentary film “2016” has just opened wide on over 1,000 screens and in the heart of Hollywood’s biggest season hit #3 at the box office.

Meanwhile, though their Media Palace Guards assure us this is not the case, the Obama campaign’s increasingly desperate and shrill campaign is acting more and more like a campaign so far behind and so in fear of losing, they feel they have nothing to lose. From “felon” to “chains” to “Mitt killed my wife” to one bald-faced lie after another, President Obama has forsaken the dignity of the office and — should he win a second term —  all hope of bringing the country together after the kind of scorched-earth campaign only the terrified wage.

Meanwhile, the media is behaving in a manner no less shrill and desperate than their Presidential Master. When the unemployment rate increases, the media tells us that’s a good thing. When the economy shrinks from 4.1 to 1.5%, the media still call it “the recovery.” When an idiot in Missouri says something stupid about rape and abortion, the media launches into a week-long narrative accusing Republicans of being soft on rape.

Meanwhile, Obama supports infanticide. Romney opposes abortion except in cases of rape, incest and when the mother’s life is at risk. Yesterday CNN released a poll showing 62% of the American people agree with Romney and only 32% with Obama.


Read the whole thing, and then click over to  Erick Erickson at Red State, who adds that the antics of the Obama campaign team and the MSM (yes, that’s redundant– just ask them) are “Not the Behavior of a Winning Campaign:”

The media keeps showing its rear end. Let me just make that clear. If you are a competent reporter, I’m not sure how you cannot be embarrassed by the majority of those in your profession right now covering politics.

From Mark Halperin, to Jake Tapper, to Chuck Todd, more journalists are actually now admitting just how pliable the media is when it comes to Barack Obama’s spin. All week long, as the economy deteriorates, most every anchor at most every news outlet, most every editorialist in most every paper, and most every “centrist” and liberal pundit has been pointing out the GOP’s extremist abortion position.

Few, if any, have pointed out that Barack Obama’s abortion on demand position is extreme. Few, if any, have pointed out how most Americans favor restrictions on abortion. Few, if any, have pointed out that Mitt Romney’s position is actually more mainstream than Barack Obama’s. Few, if any, have wanted to go beyond Politifact’s ham-handed cover for Obama on infanticide and get into what Barack Obama actually said in 2002. Hear him come out for infanticide yourself right here. Remember, the media is hiding behind the left-leaning Politifact (and yes, it does lean left) to avoid having to deal with this.

They cannot help themselves. But why are they doing it?

They are doing it for the exact same reason Joe Biden is claiming the GOP will put black people back in chains and why Barack Obama would rather talk about uteri than jobs ? they all know Barack Obama is losing this thing.


And as Moe Lane of Red State wrote earlier this week, “Did you know that Republicans can smell fear?” And the force of the flop sweat is strong in Team Obama right now. (QED.)

Are they right? Well, we’ll know in the fullness of time. In any case, insert the usual Insta-rejoinder to avoid the unnecessary appearance of supercilious arrogance at this particular juncture here.

Related: “Box office shocker. 2016: Obama’s America at #3?”

More: “Hell No, It Isn’t the End!”


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