Great Moments In MSM Brand Continuity, Part One

Megan McArdle, economics blogger at the Atlantic magazine, on April 13th:

I’ve never worked at either a liberal or a conservative political magazine…


Marc Ambinder, politics editor of The Atlantic, yesterday:

Can anyone deny that the most trenchant and effective criticism of President Obama today comes not from the right but from the left? Rachel Maddow’s grilling of administration economic officials. Keith Olbermann’s hectoring of Democratic leaders on the public option. Glenn Greenwald’s criticisms of Elena Kagan. Ezra Klein and Jonathan Cohn’s keepin’-them-honest perspectives on health care. The civil libertarian left on detainees and Gitmo. The Huffington Post on derivatives.

As Paul Mirengoff replies at Power Line:

That’s a tough one; let me think.

Okay. By definition no leftist can deny that the most trenchant and effective criticism of Obama comes from the left; for if a leftist considered the right’s criticism more trenchant, he or she would become a conservative. But the same dynamic works from right to left. Thus, to imagine that no one can deny the superiority of leftist criticism, not even someone who is right of center (if such a creature itself can be imagined)

The Atlantic’s bipartisan glory days under the late Michael Kelly are increasingly in the rearview mirror.

Update: Legal Insurrection asks an understandable question.


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