
Teachers Are Allegedly Quitting en Masse, and That’s a Good Thing

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File

In the Thursday episode of NBC Nightly News, anchor Lester Holt and correspondent Antonia Hylton expressed concern over a significant increase in the number of teachers who have been resigning from their positions recently. They suggested this is a huge problem.

But if it’s happening, it’s a good thing. Let me explain why.

According to the NBC report, these teachers are resigning in large numbers because they want to indoctrinate kids with LGBTQ ideology, and they are no longer allowed to.

“On the same day that high school English teacher Emily Ramser won an award for being an outstanding Texas educator, she stood in front of the Grapevine Colleyville School District to tell them why she was among dozens of staff members resigning this year,” Hylton claimed. Then she embellished the report by adding that  “school districts across the country are facing a teacher shortage, fueled by burnout and low pay. But in Texas, many blame politics.”

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First of all, there have been claims of a national teacher shortage for many, many years, none of which have been supported by the facts. But, that’s another story altogether. The real point of this story is that recent efforts by conservative-majority school boards to restrict the teaching of critical race theory and LGBTQ ideology is what’s prompting these resignations.

Hylton explained that “last year, Ramser’s district saw a 40% jump in resignations and retirements after new conservative school board members pushed to remove hundreds of books and restrict lessons about race and LGBTQ identities.”

Ramser reportedly “identifies as queer” and was accused of encouraging one of her students to become transgender by a parent after Ramser gave the girl a book called The Prince and the Dressmaker.

“All I did was give a kid a book,” Ramser said

Ramser felt compelled to quit after she was asked to change some of her lessons and remove pride imagery from her classroom.

“I have taught these kids for years to write and to grow their voices. And I’m not gonna let my actions say something different,” Ramser told NBC through tears.

Hylton added that while the district wouldn’t comment on the specifics of Ramsey’s situation, it has more openings for teaching positions this year over last year. She said this is happening in school districts nationwide, not just in Texas, as retention rates of teachers and other school employees are declining.

If it’s true that teachers are resigning in large numbers because they can no longer brainwash children with LGBT ideology, then good riddance to them. There have been numerous reports of public school teachers and officials  socially transitioning students in secret without their parent’s knowledge or consent with so-called trans closets. These aren’t the actions of a select few rogue teachers or administrators, either; it’s happening as a matter of policy in some of the largest school districts in the country.

If teachers are dropping out of the school system because they can’t “teach” kids how to be transgender behind their parents’ backs, then from where I sit, these school systems will be better because of it. If these teachers are willing to ditch their cushy jobs with summers off and a state pension upon retirement, then their true purpose in becoming teachers wasn’t teaching.


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