Archive for July, 2011

MEGAN MCARDLE: Debt-Blame FlimFlammery:

This chart from the White House, which purports to prove, with the scientific magic of math, that basically everything bad that has happened to the budget is the fault of one George W. Bush, has been making the rounds. My colleague approvingly calls it “Another chart that should accompany all debt ceiling discussions”.

I’m a little less enamored, considering that this graph attributes decisions made by Obama and an all-Democratic Congress–like doubling down in Afghanistan–to Bush, while taking responsibility for basically nothing except the stimulus. When Obama extends the Bush tax cuts for the rich under pressure from Congressional Republicans, that disappears from his side of the ledger, because after all, he didn’t want to do it. When Bush enacts Medicare Part D under pressure from Congressional Democrats, the full cost is charged against his presidency. The list of such silliness goes on.

Plus, a modest remonstration directed at James Fallows. Read the whole thing.

GEORGE WILL calls Matt Welch and Nick Gillespie’s Declaration of Independents the beach read of the summer. “America is moving in the libertarians’ direction not because they have won an argument but because government and the sectors it dominates have made themselves ludicrous. This has, however, opened minds to the libertarians’ argument.”

A READER NOTED THAT WE EXCEEDED THE DEBT LIMIT IN 2009. It wasn’t a such big deal back then, but I guess that’s because both houses of Congress were controlled by Democrats.

THE MAJESTY OF THE LAW: “If it could be unconstitutional for Congress to fail to raise the debt ceiling, thereby calling the government’s debts in doubt, could not a Presidential veto of legislation increasing the debt ceiling also be unconstitutional?”

Original post here.

HOW DID I MISS THIS? David Baron: The Cougar Behind Your Trash Can. Anybody who wants to kick me off the apex of the food chain had better be prepared to wind up as a rug.

Nonetheless, David Baron has been ahead of the curve on this one. I had mentioned his terrific book earlier this morning, but I didn’t know about the oped from Thursday until reader Robert Schwartz sent me the link just now. Thanks! In my defense, I’ve been at a legal conference this week: Just spoke this morning to a bunch of deans about the higher education bubble as it applies to legal education.