Alternate Reality News: WaPo Fears A Religious War Might Break Out In Middle East

Maybe they don’t read newspapers.

Israelis and Palestinians expressed fear Wednesday that their decades-old conflict was moving beyond the traditional nationalist struggle between two peoples fighting for their homelands and spiraling into a raw and far-reaching religious confrontation between Jews and Muslims.

The threat — perhaps more accurately the dread — of an incipient but deadly “religious war” was expressed by Muslim clerics, Christian leaders and Jewish Israelis one day after a pair of Palestinian assailants, wielding meat cleavers and a gun, killed five Israelis, including a prominent American Israeli rabbi, in a Jerusalem synagogue.


The level of disconnect here is stunning. One does, however, have to give those participating in the “nationalist struggle” lie some grudging credit for the complete commitment to it.

The Palestinians don’t want Jews to move, they want them dead. Always have. The rational world knows that the origins of this conflict are religious, as is the fuel for keeping the fire going. Western terrorism enablers get some cover in Israel because they can frame it as dispute over territory, offering up the ridiculous “occupation” narratives. In the parts of the Middle East where there aren’t as many Jews, Christians are being slaughtered. As there are no easy tales of border wars to make up in those cases, the media largely ignores these atrocities.

The world is an increasingly dangerous place because clueless moral equivalence mongers in the West won’t acknowledge the lone, very obvious motivation for terrorism that plagues the 21st Century. The monumental effort involved in continually ignoring the common thread must exhaust them.



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