Huckabee: 'I Care Less' About Where Romney Goes to Church 'Than I Do About Where He Takes This Country'

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who questioned former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith in a different election year, addressed the question of evangelical support for his onetime rival in his RNC address tonight.


“Of the four people on the two tickets, the only self-professed evangelical is Barack Obama, and he supports changing the definition of marriage, believes that human life is disposable and expendable at any time in the womb or even beyond the womb, and tells people of faith that they must bow their knees to the god of government and violate their faith and conscience in order to comply with what he calls health care,” Huckabee said.

“I care far less as to where Mitt Romney takes his family to church than I do about where he takes this country,” he said.

Huckabee noted that four years ago he and Romney were opponents, and are still “mutual opponents of the miserably failed experiments that have put this country in a downward spiral.”

“To those who question how once rivals can now be united, it’s simple – we have Barack Obama to thank,” he said.


Huckabee accused the president of “campaigning, blaming and aiming excuses at his predecessor, Republicans, and people in business,” and added he’s “taken all that hope right down the slope.”

“He promises us candy but gives us cavities,” the talk-show host said.

Lauding Romney’s “loyalty” to his wife, sons, country, employees, and “to his church,” Huckabee declared “with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan we will do better.”

“My concern is not Barack Obama’s past … but for the future of my grandchildren,” he said.


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