Well isn't that IN-teresting (Updated)

Sources are telling me Republican members of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform were initially not being allowed into Rep. Elijah Cummings’ (D-Maryland) “Gun Forum” hearing today on Capitol Hill. After a delay, and of course the fact that majority staffers weren’t even told what room the hearing would be in, they were finally allowed in, but are not being allowed to film the proceedings.


This is interesting because it would seem Cummings is out to prove the whole Gunwalker scandal where the ATF allowed thousands of guns to be purchased illegally and sent across the border is actually the fault of the gun industry and the Republicans, not an ill-conceived and poorly executed operation by ATF. He’s trying to change the subject and make this about policy rather than about the criminal stupidity of the operation.

More as it develops…

Update: The phone number for the minority side of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is 202.225.5051. Readers might want to call and ask why majority staffers were not told where the forum would be, why they were initially locked out, and why, once they were allowed in, they were told they could not film the proceedings — just a thought.


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