Hungry an Hour Later? Wait Until China Controls Our Food Supply

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

While the Marxists-Americans in the Pravda press try to distract you with Trump's "atrocities," like using the word "bloodbath," Biden's daddy Xi Jinping and his pinko myrmidons are actively trying to take control of our food supply.   


FACT-O-RAMA! He/she/zhe/Xi who controls the food controls the people.

On the last day of 2019, Chinese interests owned roughly 191,652 acres of American farmland. As of New Year's Eve 2023, they owned 383,935 acres, nearly a 100% increase in four years. 

FACT-O-RAMA! China's has suffered food supply crises throughout it's history, which is hard to understand considering they eat things Americans do not, like silkworms, embryonic ducks, and bat soup.

China also purchased Smithfield Foods, the largest pork processing company in the world. The company decided to close some of its farms due to "pollution," which could naturally raise prices. Speaking of Smithfield Foods, it has twice been busted for price-fixing pork. 

China has its talons in Dairy Farmers of America, Inc. They also own a majority stake in Tyson Foods, which recently canned over 1,200 American employees and plans to hire 42,000 more "immigrants." They also invested in Protix, an "insect ingredient" company. Chinese "wokeness" is slipping into our chow.

BUGS-O-RAMA! The Bolshies have been pushing us to eat insects for quite a while now. The commie clowns at the World Economic Forum (WEF) have been trying to ween us of meat as well. The links between China, meat giant Tyson Foods, and edible insects can't be ignored or underestimated.

Check out this video of predictions declarations by the WEF. Number two warns of a one-world government. Number four tells us they intend to purloin our sirloins.


So China is hoovering up U.S. farmland and major food processing companies. What could go wrong?

Communists are evil. They aren't just buying up American food supply companies for profit. We'd be foolish to think the commies aren't playing the long game and looking to control our food supply.

Unless China is checked, we can expect:

  • Food rationing: Imagine having your government, or worse, China, decide what you can eat and when
  • The U.S.-China Economic Security and Review Commission noted in May of 2022 that China could use DNA from genetically modified crops grown in the U.S. to develop bioweapons
  • Much of the farmland being purchased by China is suspiciously close to American military bases

"But KDJ, we can buy our food from local farmers!"

Meet Pennsylvania's Democrat attorney general, Michelle Henry. You might expect the AG to have her hands full fighting crime in the big blue toilet city of Philadelphia. Yet she somehow found time to raid an organic Amish farm after some kids allegedly got sick drinking "tainted eggnog."


Can we avoid relying on China for future meals consisting of cricket smoothies and bird spit soup

SNACK-O-RAMA! I once went to a baseball game with a Chinese friend. I bought the tickets and she brought the snacks. I watched the Yankees beat the Mets while nibbling on sun-dried squid. You can take my American snacks out of my cold, dead fingers.

The good news: Congress has tossed about several bills involving curtailing China's hunger for American farmland. 

The bad news: Chinese communists have funneled millions of dollars into the coffers of Joe Biden and his family of sleazeballs. They own him. He isn't likely to cross Daddy Xi.

It's not my place to tell you who to vote for, but unless you like snake soup as an appetizer before you feast on grass-fed beetles, you may want to go full-on for Trump in November.




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