Archive for May, 2011

CHANGE: Mickey Kaus: “The MSM does not seem to be buying Weiner’s line.”

Related: Worst press conference ever? “People who had previously doubted Weiner’s guilt are, I’m sure, now beginning to doubt his innocence. And after a politician famous for his media savvy has such a spectacular meltdown on camera, it’s hard to pretend it’s not newsworthy.” Plus, a question for Jeffrey Toobin.

UPDATE: More here.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Hey, remember Jeffrey Toobin?

MORE: C’mon Anthony, Throw ‘Em A Rope!

FOR TRUMP AND PALIN, a Pizza Summit. Mmm. Pizza.

HONEY, PLEASE DON’T GO: “Just as honey has become all the buzz here in the United States, new federal data show that fans of the all-natural, medicinal nectar byproduct are about to get stung by a painful spike in prices and possible shortages. The National Honey Board reports that a pound of honey now costs $5.22, up from $3.78 in 2005. But in Cambridge, Marc Cardullo, marketing manager for the family-owned Cardullo’s Gourmet Shoppe, said prices haven’t taken off yet.”

WELL, THAT’S CONSISTENT WITH THE POLLS: Fail: House defeats Obama request to raise the debt ceiling, 318-97. “Fully 82 Democrats voted with the GOP — among them Pelosi, Hoyer, and … DNC chief Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, which is all the proof you need of how nervous the White House is about being on the wrong side of this issue.”

BRITISH HEALTH SYSTEM NOT INSPIRING DEVOTION: Why aren’t the masses joining the protests to ‘Save our NHS’? Perhaps because the NHS treats them with utter contempt. “The most striking thing about the ‘Save our NHS’ protests is how small they are. From the handful of professional activists who stormed a branch of NatWest at the weekend, symbolically draped in bloodied bandages, to the various ‘die-ins’ staged by anti-cuts protesters who claim that ‘the poor’ (a horrible Dickensian phrase) will kick the bucket if the Lib-Cons trim anything related to health, the protests have been noisy and headline-grabbing, yes, but tiny in terms of turnout. It isn’t hard to see why. The NHS might be of profound symbolic importance to left-wing activists, but to the general public, to the masses who make up its clientele, it is a patronising, snooping and increasingly politically motivated institution. Save it? Why, exactly?”

MICHAEL WALSH: “MediScare” Tactics And The 2012 Election.

I’m all for cutting Medicare, and I think Paul Ryan has done a great job. Republicans, however, don’t want to be stuck in a Mondale-like role of saying “Whoever’s elected will cut MediCare. Obama won’t tell you that. I just did.” At least, it didn’t work so well for Mondale . . . .

CORY DOCTOROW interviews Tim Harford, author of The Underground Economist, about his new book, Adapt: Why Success Always Starts With Failure.

Meanwhile, I’ll just observe that Harford probably wouldn’t feel that he had to bend over backward to distance himself from, say, an economist who had advised Fidel Castro.

THEY TOLD ME IF I VOTED FOR JOHN MCCAIN WE’D SEE THE IMPERIAL PRESIDENCY EXPAND: And they were right! “Civil libertarians once looked to this president to right the constitutional balance. But what Obama has wrought is the same old ‘Terror Presidency’ with new rhetoric.” You were expecting a Chicago machine politician to support civil liberties? Rubes!

AND ALSO, TO BUY HIS BOOK: Writer urges Internet junkies to ‘switch off’ and think. “While the Internet has enormous benefits in delivering incredible amounts of information at incredible speed, it’s also a distracting and interruption-rich environment. Carr said it encourages quick shifts in focus — and discourages sustained attention and the ability to think deeply and creatively about one topic and to challenge conventional wisdom.” There’s some truth to this, so long as you don’t make too much of it.

BUT IF WOMEN ARE CRAWLING ALL OVER YOU, IS YOUR HOTNESS REALLY A DELUSION? “Middle-aged men are being chased so much by single women that they are becoming deluded about their sex appeal. A drought of mid-40s single men, compared with single women of the same age, means they are fiercely pursued, inflating their opinion of their attractiveness.”

Ultimately, attractiveness is about your ability to attract, right?

I GUESS BECAUSE THEY’D LIKE IT IF WOMEN DID IT TO THEM? Can someone please explain to Mark Schmitt — and everyone else with this comprehension problem — why some men send pictures of their genitalia to women? You know, it’s kind of a Golden Rule thing — do unto others as you’d have them do unto you. And perhaps an illustration of the Golden Rule’s limits . . . .

UPDATE: Rep. Anthony Weiner refuses to say if lewd Twitter photo was of him.