
Hammer v. Anvil: Irrationality Destroys Men and Societies

AP Photo/Richard Vogel, File

When we look around modern America, we see a society gone mad on emotionalism and irrationality. Neither true compassion nor reason are evident. The pro-Hamas protestors, the LGBTQ activists, the brainwashed wokies, and politicians from (unfortunately) both sides of the political spectrum are not interested in what is true or what makes sense; they are interested only in self-indulgence.

The great St. Dominic once observed, “A man who governs his passions is master of his world. We must either command them or be enslaved by them. It is better to be a hammer than an anvil.” We might add that, while a self-controlled man is the master of his world, a man with ungoverned passions is the destroyer of his world. As wise individuals such as Jordan Peterson remind us still today, a man who cannot even bring order out of his emotions and thoughts will certainly not be able to bring order out of the world around him; rather, he will only project his internal chaos onto the external world. It is our choice whether or not we will be part of the problem or part of the solution.

We have, sadly, had multiple generations in America now who were told to value self-esteem, comfort, and pleasure above everything else. Morality, self-sacrifice, and logic were ignored or openly and aggressively mocked. My generation might be the worst example of this society-destroying idiocy, but we are to some extent products of our parents’ and grandparents’ generations. There are, of course, many exceptions to this rule in every generation, but I speak here of generalities; that is, of the overarching and most common philosophy that was taught to each successive generation through schools, media, and other institutions. We could at any point — and hopefully can now — change our nation and culture for the better, but for many years most Americans have not chosen to do so.

The slow decline of America started with the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s and worked up to the pansexual vampself “transgenders” of 2024. It began with a disdain for the past and ended with a veritable hatred of the past. It began with ignoring parts of the Bible and Constitution and ended with burning and trampling those precious writings, both literally and figuratively.

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My point is that we have for decades now been not only justifying unreason but literally celebrating it. We have been told to practice all the sins and vices that cause a society to implode, and then we seem shocked as society does in fact implode around us. The good news is that we hold the key to salvation, the solution to the crisis, in our own hands.

We can first and foremost learn to govern our own passions, to achieve the balance of warm compassion and objective reason that is so essential for a well-rounded human. We can make a difference in our homes, our churches, our schools, our neighborhoods, our local political parties, and our businesses.

Of course, everyone makes mistakes — we are human. The key is to strive always to be great, just as our Founding Fathers did. They had the courage of their convictions; they had strong passions but even stronger common sense. That is why they created a unique and exceptional nation, one which it is our duty now to rescue from crisis and to rebuild. Our opponents are the anvil for their own emotions, but we will be the hammer; we will be masters of ourselves and masters of our world.


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