What the 'Women's March on Washington' Is Really About

Image via Shutterstock, women protest silhouette.

Nearly 200,000 people have signed up to participate in the Women’s March on Washington to protest the inauguration of Donald Trump. The protest, called “The Gathering for Justice,” includes an array of liberal causes, but at the center is the demand for equal rights for women.


The application for the protest states that the purpose is “to come together in solidarity to express to the new administration and congress that women’s rights are human rights and our power cannot be ignored.”

The group’s mission and vision statement says the march is a response to the “rhetoric of the past election cycle,” which they say “has insulted, demonized, and threatened many of us—immigrants of all statuses, Muslims and those of diverse religious faiths, people who identify as LGBTQIA, Native people, Black and Brown people, people with disabilities, survivors of sexual assault—and our communities are hurting and scared.”

Organizers of the event, which are made up of typical liberal community organizers, from pro-abortion activists, to CodePink, to former associates of Al Sharpton, say it’s about more than a protest—it’s a movement and they want it to continue for years to come.

“We plan to make a bold and clear statement to this country on the national and local level that we will not be silent,” said Tamika Mallory, a gun-control activist and one of the main organizers of the march. “And we will not let anyone roll back the rights we have fought and struggled to get.”

But is this march really about the rights of marginalized groups and women, in particular? Exactly what are they protesting? What has happened that is threatening their “human rights”? They can talk about Trump’s rhetoric during the campaign, but does that translate at all into policy? In fact, are any of his policies, when you really examine them, racist, bigoted, sexist, or homophobic in any way? No, they’re not.


There was a time in the past when women actually marched for real rights. From the Suffrage movement to the Equal Rights Amendment marches in the 1970s, women had legitimate complaints and addressed actual issues that concerned them.

But not in 2016. Their rights are not being threatened by the Republican Party’s agenda or Trump. In fact, Trump is more pro-woman, particularly in business with proposals for maternity leave, than most other Republicans. One could argue that he is pro-life, which means he could turn back Roe v. Wade through a Supreme Court nomination, but killing the baby in your womb is not a human right. It’s actually the exact opposite. Getting free birth control is not a human right. Even getting free medical care, paid by the state, is not a human right. Becoming a citizen is not a human right either. Neither is a man using a woman’s bathroom.

“The Gathering for Justice” isn’t about anything related to women or their actual rights. It’s merely modern feminists and their intersectional cohorts throwing a tantrum and showing everyone exactly who they are and what they really stand for—increasing the power of the centralized state.

Whether it’s dictating to private companies their work-leave policies, redistributing earnings, puting the safety of Americans at risk by ignoring immigration laws, taking over healthcare decisions from individuals and families, demanding use of public restrooms by the opposite sex, pushing for violation of Second Amendment rights, suppressing free speech on college campuses, violating religious liberty, or telling fellow Americans that they have to pay for women’s contraception and abortions, this group’s agenda is about taking power from the individual and private sector, expanding the role of the Washington in our lives, and increasing dependency on the state.


These women are living out the inevitable life of Julia, in which government dependence becomes integral to their lives. That has been questioned and challenged in this election, and they’re lashing out. Their source of faux security—the state—is under attack.

The election of Trump doesn’t threaten their rights; it threatens their reliance on the state. It’s not the power of women that is being challenged by a Trump presidency, but the power of the state—or at least that’s what he has promised. Whether he delivers is yet to be seen.

The Women’s March is not a Gathering for Justice but a Gathering for Injustice as the state in its bloated and centralized form actually threatens the real rights of American citizens—our right to our own property, our right to defend ourselves, our right to protect our nation from foreign invasion and influence, our right to choose our own doctors and healthcare, and our right to life.

Social justice movements like the Women’s March are about egalitarian agendas that violate human freedom and ultimately human dignity. Equality of outcome supersedes liberty, as the true differences among individuals are not respected but are attacked by the all-consuming, unifying centralized state.


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