What Now?

Lebanon.Profile writes in my comments section:

You might want to blog for two months about quirks. They don’t have to be serious.
Remember trying to send the fax, find the post office, getting pulled over at the checkpoint by the cop who wanted to see your passport (that really upset me), your neighbors, conversations with Wissam, servis, Brooks, L’O (you really should have gotten pictures of that place – it would totally surprise your audience), Patchi (although, I don’t know if you remember heading over there during your first trip).
You really should write a post about all the oddball Westerners running around. Their strange need to live in Hezbollah occupied areas. Their complete lack of understanding of their milieu, and their anti-Christian sectarianism.
Most importantly, I think you should write a post on how you saw Lebanon change over the period you were there. Your understanding of the country increased greatly, but the country changed a lot: from 14 March spirit, to despondence, to building frenzies, to the party scene losing passion in coordination with political spirit.


He’s right that I could spend quite a lot of time writing about this sort of thing. Do you all want to read about it?
By the way, the Lebanese/Israeli border blew up again just as the Lebanese army and the IDF told me it would. The UN blames Lebanon for starting the latest round of fighting, which is dumb. If you’re going to blame a country for the behavior of locally despised street gangs with foreign policies (that would be Hezbollah and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command), blame this one and this one.


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