VIRTUE SIGNALING THE VIRUS GOES VIRAL: Kung Flu Fighting –Powerline puns while linking to commentaries on the absolutely silly clique of idiots who object to calling the COVID-19 “Wuhan virus” or “a virus from China.” The post includes this link to Andrew McCarthy’s column on the moniker flu-haha.

Excerpt from McCarthy’s column:

Early this year, as the outbreak became manifest in China and began its relentless march through Southeast Asia and into Europe, the American press itself alluded incessantly to the Wuhan coronavirus. The sudden case of talking-head amnesia over this is being greeted in conservative media by hilarious video montages featuring the same scolds, who now decry the term, matter-of-factly invoking it back then.

“Scolds” is far too kind a description. I commented on the Chinese Communist Party agitation propaganda name blame schtick in my weekly Creators Syndicate column.

Here’s the name blame afterthought in a column that examines Dr. Fauci’s neo-isolationist strategy:

The virus’ name game has become an absurd example of manipulative identity politics. The virus first appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan. For two months, mainstream media called it Wuhan virus. Now China’s communist dictators, attempting to evade responsibility for initially denying the disease existed and, in doing so, spawning the global epidemic — contend the name “Wuhan virus” is racist. Absurd propaganda. Lyme disease? Remind Beijing it’s named for a town in Connecticut. I’ll stick with COVID-19/Wuhan, thank you.

Manipulative identity politics — a sick social disease infecting America.