VERY VERY VERY FAST GLOBAL WARMING: Horrors. The PETM (Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum). (Aside to chemists and combat engineers: PETM, not PETN. Got to keep the acronyms straight.) During the PETM “The planet was essentially ice free, and sea levels drastically higher than now.” Golly. Was George W. Bush alive then, too? Would that Barack Obama had arrived and the rise of sea levels ceased and…According to the article, the consensus “cause d’warming” theory is volcanoes. Yeah, the unregulated lava and pumice polluters pumped hazardous awful junk into the atmosphere and over thousands of years they were almost as bad as capitalists. Over time increased CO2 levels (from the unregulated volcanoes) led to global warming. However. But…According to the article, magnetized clay particles (microtektites) indicate another environment destroying criminal did the dirty deed — a comet! Did the comet bring its own carbon? Was the comet a Republican? Until Hillary is elected, Team Hillary propagandists John Podesta and Robby Mook will swear it was. The theoretical comet strike’s theoretical result: fast carbon dioxide release, faster global warming. A lot faster than the lava and pumice polluter theory…But…but consensus!