MY BULGE PHOTO SELECTIONS: I said I’d pick two from StrategyPage’s Battle of the Bulge commemorative series (which ended January 25). I selected three photos. In the comments section of this post commenters so inclined are invited to pick one photo they liked and say why. You may also include the photo link in the comment. (To review the series, use the Instapundit search tool and type in “Battle of the Bulge.” You should get the entire series as it appeared on Instapundit.)

My selections:

Most moving: Every Band Member a Rifleman. (The caption explains why. Small U.S. units delayed the initial German offensive.)

Best captures the effort and suffering of the individual U.S. soldier: Holding Germans Off All Night (The soldier’s face is a study in fatigue.)

Best photo history: Panzer Out of the Fight. (The photo captures the terrain and weather. The battle was a mobile battle. The photo has a German and a U.S. vehicle. The panzer is out of the battle. The American tank destroyer is still rolling.)

RELATED: The photo an Instapundit reader helped identify. There’s a thank you in the caption!