HERE’S THE ROADMAP FOR THE POST-ELECTION CHAOS DEMOCRATS PLAN: Julie Kelly, writing at American Greatness, examines the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) done jointly by Democrats and Never-Trumpers. Check out this sample of what she found:

“’A rogue individual destroyed a large number of ballots believed to have supported Biden, leaving Trump a narrow electoral win,’ the group imagined. ‘The Governor of Michigan used this abnormality as justification to send a separate, pro-Biden set of electors to DC.’ Anyone who’s watched Gretchen Whitmer over the past six months knows she will happily defy the law and common decency for attention.”

And over at The Federalist, John Daniel Davidson provides an abundance of additional information on TIP, as well as a detailed look at related groups like the Fight Back Table and the parallels between the pre-election situation of 1860 with today. One piece of advice here: Secession didn’t work then and it won’t work now, either.