ARMY DEPOT DISCOVERS A .50 CALIBER M2 HEAVY MACHINE GUN THAT HAS BEEN IN THE ARSENAL FOR 94 YEARS: It’s still serviceable. Unfortunately, upgrading M2 serial number 324 will require changing the receiver.

While it may be possible to modify the nine-decades-old gun, it’s still easier to replace the receiver and scrap the veteran part. There is a glimmer of hope for M2 324. It’s possible that the Army will put the gun on display, celebrating the gun and its history. “I’d rather put this one on display than send it to the scrap yard,” said Clark.

Clark works at the Anniston Army Depot (Anniston, Alabama). This is a case where defense budgeteers got it right. Taxpayers got their money’s worth.

UPDATE: Sorry about the link issue. It worked for me when I tested it, but on the blog the link went to a blank page. Fixed!