MORE PROGRESS ON Neighborhood Electric Vehicles: “At least 40 states have now passed laws to permit NEVs to operate on many state roads with more working on new regulations. Meanwhile, some 40,000 NEVs are operating nationwide, says the Electric-Drive Transportation Association. Kentucky and Massachusetts are considering regulations to permit low-speed vehicles (LSVs) on state roads. LSV is a federal designation that includes NEVs, and also some gas-powered vehicles.” Tennessee has already liberalized its laws.

Since short trips are (1) common; and (2) the setting in which cars get the worst mileage as the engine warms up, widespread adoption of these would make a real difference. On days when I don’t go into the office, I could probably do 80% or more of my driving (usually short runs to the grocery store, post office or nearby restaurants) in an NEV. That would drastically cut my gas usage, and I’ll bet I’m not that unusual. Er, in that respect, anyway.