OBAMA RESPONDS ON THE JEREMIAH WRIGHT SCANDAL, and Tom Maguire has it unpacked. “Whoa. It is hardly as if this is the church Obama’s parents selected and he inherited. He sought out Wright, was moved by Wright, and is now pretending he had no idea Wright said these things.”

UPDATE: It’s coming fast-and-furious: Obama Says Rezko Played a Bigger Fundraising Role Than Previously Known.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Ed Morrissey emails: “I sat in his church, but I didn’t inhale.”

MORE: Airbrushing the “radical roots” at Rolling Stone?

STILL MORE: “A very temporizing sort of visionary.”

MORE STILL: Richard Miniter writes In Defense of Obama’s Pastor: “It is a lack of understanding of the black church that contributes to the blogosphere’s and MSM’s mistaking Rev. Wright for a hate-monger. The time has come for some balance.”

But John Hinderaker has questions about AIDS.