THERE’S NOTHING MORE TIRING, apparently, than a war that’s now going well:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, despite their pledges to continue pushing to end the war in Iraq, face growing pressure from their rank-and-file Democrats to focus more attention on domestic, “pocketbook” issues in the upcoming election year.

Junior Democrats describe an “Iraq fatigue” setting in among some members after dozens of successful withdrawal votes failed to drive a wedge between Republicans and President Bush on the war strategy.

We’ll end the war — in fact, have largely done so if you mean “the war” in the narrow sense these folks obviously do — but not by skedaddling.

But you know, we should have foreseen that Congressional backbone would be in short supply way back during the Great Congressional Bug-Out of 2001. See this piece by Walter Shapiro, too. And this was a warning, too. Still, I guess Congress has done better, in some respects, than we might have expected.