THE NEW REPUBLIC UPDATES, but doesn’t know much. Bob Owens comments.

UPDATE: The Weekly Standard responds: “They neglected to report that the Army has concluded its investigation and found Beauchamp’s stories to be false. . . . We have full confidence in our reporting that Pvt Beauchamp recanted under oath in the course of the investigation. Is the New Republic claiming that Pvt Beauchamp made no such admission to Army investigators? Is Beauchamp?” More at the link.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Stephen Spruiell calls it a “non-rebuttal rebuttal.”

MORE: Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

STILL MORE: I linked it before but this bit is worth quoting: “There’s this notion that war makes the soldiers crazy. Journalists love it. Beauchamp reinforced it. It appears that war makes journalists crazy.”

And editors. [And publishers].

MORE STILL: Phil Carter: “Every soldier has a story. Some are even true.”