A LOOK AT FRED THOMPSON and “the actor factor:”

Hodding Carter III, who advised Jimmy Carter in the 1976 campaign and is an expert on Southern politicians, said he believes Thompson is “blessed” with the kind of exposure that other candidates have to spend months, even years, building.

“The sucker is out there making movies and television, a constant presence who has a political background on several grounds,” Hodding Carter said. “He has about two full generations of name recognition among people who are in the (political) business, first as Watergate minority counsel and then as Republican activist. And then as movie and television star.

“I think if there is any kind of gridlock in the sense of these earlier months (in the GOP primary), a lot of people are going to be looking for the breakout fellow.

“And he is more likely the breakout fellow, a little more like the guy McCain was last time (in 2000).”

That seems right to me. And he’d certainly do better than a Kerry – McCain ticket! Call me crazy, but I don’t see that one flying.