CLINTON LIED, PEOPLE DIED: Over at AlterNet, a lefty critique of Hillary Clinton on the war:

Hillary Clinton knew years before she voted for the Iraq war that Saddam Hussein didn’t have WMDs — Bill Clinton lied about Iraq’s weapons programs to justify attacking the country in 1998. . . . While many Americans today condemn the Bush administration for misleading them with false claims of unsubstantiated threats which resulted in the ongoing debacle we face today in Iraq (count Hillary among this crowd), few have reflected back on the day when the man from Hope, Arkansas sat in the Oval Office and initiated the policies of economic sanctions-based containment and regime change which President Bush later brought to fruition when he ordered the invasion of Iraq in March 2003.

Well, that part’s certainly true, as the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 illustrates. But he says that like it’s a bad thing.

UPDATE: Reader Jon Deur emails:

When you said “that part’s certainly true” were you including the notion that “Hillary Clinton knew years before she voted for the Iraq war that Saddam Hussein didn’t have WMDs — Bill Clinton lied about Iraq’s weapons programs to justify attacking the country in 1998”? There seem to be more people who are buying into the notion that Bush lied—and so did everyone before him. It’s preposterous. Care to clarify your post?

I meant the part about regime-change as a policy originating with Clinton. Sorry — that seemed obvious to me.