Archive for 2020



NIKE, AN ANTI-AMERICAN COMPANY:  Powerline’s John Hinderaker reminds us that Nike actually cultivates its anti-American image.  And (alas) that image seems to pay off for it.

Almost 30 years ago, I had a (since deceased) leftie friend who insisted that he wouldn’t buy Nike shoes, because they were named for Nike missiles and therefore promote American militarism.  Nothing I could tell him about Nike, the ancient Greek goddess of victory, for whom both the shoes and the missiles were named, would change his mind.  He’d never heard of the goddess Nike, so he was sure nobody else had either (except his weird friend Gail, who reads too much).  This was pre-internet, so I couldn’t just Google it to prove my point.

Too bad I can’t convince everyone inclined to buy Nike shoes on account of the company’s anti-American image that they’d be promoting American militarism.

Related (From Ed): With Attack on U.S. Flag, Colin Kaepernick‏ Shifts the Goalposts.

ANDREW DAVIS: On Soleimani.

OPEN THREAD: Have fun, God and Disqus willing.


FINALLY: He’s ‘murdering Hollywood:’ Here are the best moments from Ricky Gervais’ monologue at the Golden Globes.

UPDATE: “‘Apple roared into the TV game with ‘The Morning Show,’ a superb drama about the importance of dignity and doing the right thing, made by a company that runs sweat shops in China,’ Gervais said. ‘So, well, you say you’re woke, but the companies you work for – I mean, unbelievable, Apple, Amazon, Disney. If ISIS started a streaming service, you would call your agent, wouldn’t you?’”

Just savage.


Does the Washington Post seem to be encouraging Americans to brainstorm about how Iran can hurt us? Whether that was the idea or not, the top-rated comment over there is: “Trump Hotels. Very soft targets, and if they are heavily protected, no one will stay in them. A threat to the hotel chain would work wonders.”

Somebody else says: “If Iran really wants to harm America as a whole, they might help Russia hack the 2020 elections to help Trump get a second term. That is frightening, but I doubt they’d do it.” Why would Iran want Trump to get a second term? Their brainstorming isn’t just evil, it’s stupid.

Well, that’s #TheResistance in a nutshell.

NBA COACH STEVE KERR GETS WRECKED FOR ACCUSING MIKE PENCE OF LYING ABOUT 9/11: “It’s odd that Kerr commented so forcefully on a public, political matter given that just a few short weeks ago, he was cautioning his colleagues in the NBA to exercise restraint when speaking about China and the pro-democracy protests still ongoing in Hong Kong.”

HMM: This $1.1 Million Electric Fire Truck Wants to Be the Future of Firefighting. On the one hand, fire trucks don’t need long range, so that’s good. On the other hand, what’s the point? Gas or diesel engines serve admirably, there’s no call for fun acceleration requiring electric torque, and fire engines mostly sit in the firestation, so it doesn’t save much on emissions, to the extent electric vehicles even do that. The article says it has enough power to run the pumps, but for how long? Pumps draw a lot of power. The presence of a backup generator may be a tell . . . .


As Theodore Dalrymple once warned, the tattoo parlor is “the refutation of the doctrine that the customer is always the right. In the tattoo parlour, the customer is always wrong.”

Similarly, Ayn Rand didn’t write The Return of the Primitive as a how-to guide.

IMPORTANT NEWS FROM MIKE WILLIAMSON: Dear Millennial Pussies: There Ain’t Gonna Be A Fucking Draft.

And let’s look at the history of these protests:

Rescue run to Grenada: “ZOMG! DRAFT!”
Dig out a guy in Panama: “ZOMG! DRAFT!”
Several debacles in the Balkans, Africa and Caribbean under Bill Clinton: INFORMATIVE SILENCE.
Expedition to Kuwait: “ZOMG! DRAFT!”
Operations in Iraq: “ZOMG! DRAFT!”
Operations in Syria under 0bama: DEAFENING FUCKING SILENCE.
Angry tweet about NK. “ZOMG! DRAFT!”
Single fucking missile on a legit target. “ZOMG! DRAFT!”

It’s a childish protest bleat.

But there are always gullible youths out there. In fact that’s something the Left relies on.