Archive for 2018


Apparently, there’s been some controversy about the film after leftists realized that what seemed like a feminist screed was, in fact, something else entirely. Well, good. Feminists have lost their way. Let them go and watch another showing of Wonder Woman and assuage their endless anger with dreams of a world that never was. Three Billboards is about this world, and the God who loves it in all its terrible beauty.

Read the whole thing.

OPEN THREAD! ‘Nuff said.

NBC’S CHUCK TODD PROMOTES ABOLISHING THE SECOND AMENDMENT. “The left often claims their calls for gun control don’t include taking everyone’s guns and it was just extremist right-wing fantasy, but Todd made it clear that no Second Amendment was their ultimate end goal.”

As Charles Cooke wrote in 2015, “That being so, here’s the million-dollar question: What the hell are they waiting for? Go on, chaps. Bloody well do it. Seriously, try it. Start the process.”

KOSHER SALT: How Jewish humor became the standard.

Interviewed once on German television, the late Robin Williams was asked, “Why do you think there’s not so much comedy in Germany?”

“Did you ever think,” Williams snapped, “you killed off all the funny people?”

Leave it to a Gentile to summarize the Jewish experience in seven words.

Read the whole thing.

BEHIND THE SANCTIMONIOUS TWEETS, JAMES COMEY HAS A VERY SERIOUS BOOK PROBLEM: “Oh sure, Comey has his defenders. However, there’s a battalion of people inside the DOJ and FBI who would love nothing more than a few moments of uninterrupted interrogation time with the lying liar who lies. How’s the need to ignore the 800lb gorilla going to work with a simultaneous book tour?”

A MODEST PROPOSAL: “Rush Limbaugh was a guest on ‘Fox News Sunday’ with Chris Wallace, who asked him about how he would deal with DACA and illegal immigration. Limbaugh said he would agree to permanent citizenship for illegal immigrants under one very important condition … they would not be eligible to vote for 15 to 25 years.”

Bringing this to a vote in Congress would be loads of fun to watch.

#TIMESUP: Rally to be held calling for Nashville mayor to resign. “This weekend you may notice red signs around town, asking for Mayor Megan Barry to resign. This comes after she publicly revealed her two-year affair with her bodyguard, Sgt. Rob Forrest.”